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Internship in Germany: Business Cooperation and Experience Exchange in the Field of Dental Implantation.

Date: April 3, 2014

On April 3, 2014, doctors from the European Dental Center under the guidance of Chief Physician Vadim Georgievich Klimentyev underwent significant training. They visited Bauer-Implant company in Bad Nauheim, Germany - the creators of the world's first unique monocomponent system of dental implants K.C.I – Bauer - Schraube with immediate loading.

Practical Experience Exchange

Doctors not only deepened their knowledge in the field of modern implantation technologies but also shared their experience from their own successful practice. Chief Physician Vadim Georgievich Klimentyev presented clinical cases to German colleagues in which innovative methods of dental implantation were successfully applied at the European Dental Center.

Business Meetings and Presentations

This trip not only enriched the professional skills of the center's doctors but also became a fruitful business interaction. Doctors discussed opportunities for further cooperation with Bauer-Implant company and presented their experience in implementing advanced methods in implantology. This event emphasized the commitment of the European Dental Center to the highest standards and innovations in dentistry.

Thanks to the ongoing education of the center's doctors and the exchange of experience with world-class specialists, our patients can be confident in both the qualification of our center's doctors and the quality of services for dental implant installation.