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European Dental Center and Dr.Bergmann and partners: Integrating European Medicine Standards in Ukraine.

On February 29, 2020, a significant event took place at the European Dental Center – a training workshop conducted by the President of DGOI, Professor Fred Bergmann.

DGOI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie) is the German Society for Oral Implantology, uniting leading specialists in the field of implantology. Professor Fred Bergmann is one of the recognized authorities in this field, author of numerous scientific papers and innovative treatment methods.

Invited by the Chief Physician of the European Dental Center Dr. PhD (link), DGOI expert and honorary member of DGOI, member of BDIZ EDI, Vadym Georgiyovych Klymentiev, Professor Fred Bergmann arrived in Kyiv to share his wealth of experience with colleagues. The workshop was held as part of the "Partner Clinic" program, which involves exchanging experience and standardizing procedures with the clinic "Dr.Bergmann and partners" of Professor Bergmann, one of the leading clinics in Germany.

This means that patients of the European Dental Center can receive services of guaranteed European quality, including the participation of leading foreign implantologists.

Participation in the training workshop was another opportunity for the staff of the European Dental Center to enhance their professional level and master advanced treatment methods based on the latest achievements in dental science.

This event once again confirms the European Dental Center's commitment to continuous development and the implementation of the most modern technologies in practice.

We can do what others cannot, entrust your smile to the professionals of the European Dental Center!