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The Chief Physician of the European Dental Center, Ph.D., DGOI expert, honorary member of DGOI, Dr. Vadim Georgievich Klymentiev presented advanced techniques for the rehabilitation of dental patients at a congress in Kyiv.

On October 20-21, 2017, the congress dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the scientific dental school in Ukraine took place at the "President Hotel" in Kyiv. One of the highlights was the symposium "Effective Protocols for Rehabilitating Dental Patients Using Dental Implantation".

At the opening of the symposium, guests from Germany were greeted, including the Vice President of the German Association of Oral Implantologists, Dr. Georg Baer. Dr. Baer emphasized the importance of Ukraine's integration into the European dental community and the need to transition to European standards of medical care.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Georg Baer emphasized the need for Ukraine's integration into the European community, transitioning to European standards of medical care, particularly in dentistry. After that, Dr. Baer, together with Dr. Louisa Kruger, conducted a two-hour lecture on "Rehabilitation of Patients with Complex Anatomical and Topographic Conditions Using a Small Number of Implants", in which he discussed the most promising direction for immediate rehabilitation of patients with non-removable orthopedic structures on implants.

Following the lecture by Dr. Georg Baer and Dr. Louisa Kruger, Dr. Vadim Klymentiev, the Chief Physician of the European Dental Center, Dr. PhD., DGOI expert, delivered a presentation on the possibilities of immediate rehabilitation of patients with non-removable orthopedic structures under complex anatomical and topographic conditions. In his presentation, Dr. Vadim Klymentiev presented a series of clinical cases from the practice of the European Dental Center, confirming that the treatment tactics and directions of clinical thinking fully correspond to the modern European approach. Minimally invasive techniques, high rehabilitation speed, and continuous attention to the quality of dental services correspond to the highest European standards.

In his concluding remarks, Dr. Baer emphasized the high level of the symposium, its organization, the quality and relevance of the presentations, and the need for Ukraine's swift integration into the European dental community.


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