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Minimally Invasive Orthopedics

Minimally Invasive Orthopedics


Minimally Invasive Orthopedics


Orthopedic dentistry is a field of dental activity that studies the diagnosis of various violations of the integrity and functions of the dentofacial system and methods for their treatment using implantation and dental prosthetics. The basis of orthopedic dentistry is precisely implantation and prosthetics, however, in the modern sense, this area of ​​dentistry has a broader interpretation.

It’s not a secret for anyone that not all cases of prosthetics and dental implants are able to fully solve the problems associated with the health of the maxillofacial system of a person, because often deformations and defects can occur repeatedly. The effectiveness of orthopedics is based at the same time on active preventive actions that prevent the further development of disorders and deformations. Therefore, today, modern dental institutions pay a significant amount of attention to a detailed study of the key causes of the development of defects, deformations and mechanisms that help to eliminate them, which allows for the future treatment of diseases more competently and effectively.

Currently, the orthopedic direction of dentistry is actively and rapidly developing, developing ever new effective methods for correcting irregularities and defects in the dentoalveolar system of a person. The most promising practice in this field is the gradual transition from rather serious and painful procedures to minimally invasive interventions in orthopedics, which allow solving the problems of deformity of the maxillofacial apparatus in a more gentle and non-traumatic way.

What are minimally invasive interventions in orthopedics?

In dentistry, minimally invasive techniques are being actively developed and today they have spread to almost all areas of the industry. The use of minimally invasive technologies in orthopedics has become quite important, since it is the orthopedic sphere today that is one of the most popular among dental directions. Previously, the process of alignment of teeth, and especially implantation and prosthetics was rather painful and implied a long recovery and a significant duration of the treatment process. Today, minimally invasive interventions in orthopedics make it possible in most cases to avoid serious surgical interventions in the human body, replacing them with softer and more gentle methods. A striking example of the application of minimally invasive techniques in orthopedic dentistry is laser implantation, which today is already actively replacing the traditional technology of implant implantation.

Non-invasive methods also actively use the direction of aesthetic orthopedics, when complex structures designed to align the dentition are replaced by lightweight options for aesthetic prosthetics and tooth alignment. Examples in this area are veneers, as well as dental mouthguards and eliners, which, without significant introduction into the tissues of the oral cavity, can provide not only a highly effective therapeutic, but also an amazing aesthetic effect.

The European Dental Center in Kiev actively uses various modern dental treatment techniques in medical practice. The use of advanced technological solutions, as well as modern effective methods in combination with the latest equipment, allows us to achieve the highest results in the shortest possible time.