Nanoimplantation of teeth
Nanoimplantation of teeth
In connection with the active development of all areas of medical activity, scientists from every corner of our planet are actively developing various effective and previously unknown methods of treatment and diagnosis of various diseases, as well as introducing revolutionary solutions for operations and procedures. Dentistry, as one of the most progressive medical sectors, especially often resorts to the introduction of the latest technologies, and today in the dental field one can single out the revolutionary application of nano-technologies in the field of implantation.
Nanoimplants: advantages and features
Nanoimplantation of teeth is the latest technique in the field of modern implantology, which is based on the use of micro-designs for implantation and prosthetics in order to increase the strength and durability of the procedure, as well as comfort for the patient.
Nanoimplants are one of the most revolutionary solutions in the field of dentistry, which allows the tooth restoration process to be carried out in record time, as well as almost painlessly and bloodlessly. The use of microimplants allows you to reliably fix the tooth supports in the correct position and will recordly accelerate the process of bite alignment.
Micro-implants (or nanoimplants) are several times smaller than standard designs, which allows them to be used even in difficult anatomical conditions, as well as in cases of destruction and atrophy of bone tissue in the oral cavity. They are titanium micro rods of a special shape, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.5-2 millimeters in diameter. Such miniature dimensions make it possible to create a hole of the smallest size for implant placement, due to which the integrity of the jawbone is maximally preserved and high stability of the rod in the patient’s gum is ensured.
Traditionally, on the one hand, a prosthesis in the form of a tooth crown is attached to the implant, while the other part fits tightly into the gums. The design of the nanoimplant is a cone microsystem with a spherical thickening at the end, which is located in the bone, the shaft of the device is also covered with minute thread. Microimplants are installed with the aim of both correcting the curvature of the teeth and creating an even dentition, and as a support for fixing full jaw prostheses. The use of micro-designs allows you to fix the most correct and comfortable position of the abutment teeth, thereby simplifying the process of installing straight teeth.
Who to contact for the service?
The nanoimplantation procedure is notable for its painlessness and speed, however, the European Dental Center makes it as comfortable as possible for the patient. The process of nanoimplantation is carried out using a laser, which eliminates the need to cut the soft tissues of the gums. A high-precision laser beam is used to dissect the mucosa, which immediately has a powerful antiseptic effect and prevents the risk of bleeding and infection, since dissecting the tissue, the laser literally “seals” them.
The European Dental Center for dental implants uses only high-strength materials that are completely harmless to the human body. They are easily compatible with the tissues of the oral cavity of a person, and are also highly reliable. One of the most durable and safe materials for nanoimplants is nanostructured titanium. The metal is distinguished by its bioinertness and quickly heals itself to tissues, without exerting a toxic effect.
We were one of the first in Kiev to start using nano- and other innovative implant models, and today ESC is deservedly considered the leader in the dental market of Ukraine.
Laser Nanoimplants
It is the direct responsibility of every modern person to monitor the health of their teeth and oral cavity, since not only the general condition of the human body, but also the aesthetic aspect of life depends on the external condition of the teeth. Currently, few can boast of ideal teeth by nature, and most of the population is subject to permanent damage and diseases of the dentition. Like any other organ, teeth tend to wear out, losing over time not only natural whiteness and strength, but also at the risk of being removed. Due to the negative environmental impact, bad habits or various pathologies, people often lose their teeth, resorting to the need to restore them as quickly as possible. At present, when modern dentistry has stepped far forward, including in Ukraine, the problems associated with tooth extraction or loss have many high-quality and effective solutions that will allow everyone to maintain a dazzling smile and healthy oral cavity for a long time.
Laser nanoimplants: a new word in modern implantology
In connection with the active development of all areas of medical activity, scientists from all over the world are developing advanced methods and introducing the latest solutions for the implementation of a particular procedure. Dentistry, as one of the most advanced medical industries, especially often resorts to the introduction of the latest technologies.
Nanoimplants are perhaps one of the newest solutions in the field of dentistry, which allows for the restoration of teeth in record time, as well as completely painless and bloodless. The solution in the field of dental implantation, which appeared in the USA, was actively begun to be practiced by European dentists, and today Ukrainian patients can also experience this latest technique. The European Dental Center, which is recognized as one of the undisputed leaders in the Ukrainian market of dental services, began to introduce the procedure of dental nano-implantation as one of the first dental institutions. Clinic “ESC” has valuable experience working with various problems associated with the condition of the oral cavity and dental treatment. Advanced technical and qualified human resources ensure the work of our clinic at a high level and make it one of the key players in the medical services market.
Microimplants or nanoimplants are metal structures that have a rod-like appearance, implanting in the jawbone to further fix the denture to it. The core of the nanoimplant is much smaller than in the traditional form of the implant. It is a titanium implant, characterized by its specific shape and with a diameter of not more than 1-2 mm. In this regard, there is minimal destruction of bone tissue, and the funnel made in the bone to install the implant is almost invisible. Nanoimplants are distinguished by their strength and are able to serve the necessary amount of time without loosening or deforming in the jaw bone, due to their shape and size.
The micro-implant implantation procedure is notable for its painlessness, however, the European Dental Center makes it truly as comfortable as possible by installing nanoimplants with a laser, that is, avoiding the soft tissue section with a scalpel. A high-precision laser beam is used to dissect the mucosa, which immediately disinfects the tissues and seals them, prevents bleeding and further infection.
The European Dental Center for dental implants uses only high-strength materials that are completely harmless to the human body and have a high degree of compatibility with the tissues of the human oral cavity. One of the most durable and safe materials for nanoimplants is nanostructured titanium. Metal is distinguished by its bioinertness, that is, it is absolutely positively perceived by the body, quickly acclimatizing to tissues, without exerting a toxic effect. Nanostructured titanium has a high level of strength and resistance to deformation, in comparison with other commonly used materials. It does not contain any potentially toxic additives to the human body, nor allergens.
The practice of the clinic "European Dental Center" allows you to carry out highly qualified dental implantation using nano-technology, which compares favorably with many other dental clinics. The use of ultra-precise laser beams for cutting tissue, highly effective analgesics and antiseptics, as well as durable parts for installing an artificial tooth in the complex provide an excellent result.
Dental implants in Ukraine, cost
Dental health is a significant indicator of the state of the human body, just like the health of the entire oral cavity. It's no secret that dental diseases, their rapid destruction and discomfort in the oral cavity are an undeniable signal that something is wrong with human health. Damage to the tooth and diseases that develop in the oral cavity are not only constant discomfort and a lot of inconvenience, but also a direct threat to the normal functioning of some organ systems, in particular the digestive tract.
In addition to dental diseases such as caries, tartar deposits and destruction of enamel, tooth loss often occurs when the oral cavity is in a negative state. You can also lose a tooth as a result of injuries or other unforeseen situations, which will certainly entail a lot of other inconveniences. First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that the human jaw cannot function correctly without one or several teeth, because over time they will be deformed, as a result of which the chewing function is impaired. If the tooth is noticeably damaged or was lost due to injuries and other circumstances, it can be easily restored by replacing it with a high-quality artificial counterpart. Today, everyone is given the opportunity to quickly and inexpensively carry out the implantation procedure, which is the main stage for further prosthetics.
Dental implantation (Ukraine): cost and features of the procedure
In case of tooth loss or removal by a dentist, a person, of course, cannot feel fully and comfortably. Therefore, he is faced with the task of speedily restoring the integrity of the dentition to ensure correct chewing function, as well as acquiring a beautiful smile with even teeth. By the way, dental implantation in Ukraine, the cost of which has significantly decreased today, compared to previous years, is also often used purely for aesthetic purposes, when the patient wants to get smooth, white teeth, without long-term correction with braces or plates.
The process of implanting a tooth implant involves the installation of an artificial shaft, which plays the role of a tooth root, in the bone of the upper or lower jaw. Implants function as the main supports on which either crowns or bridges will be fixed in the future. In the European Dental Center, we use only one-piece implants of the Swiss company Root. Due to their design, they easily and quickly take root, are very durable, rarely break, and allow implantation in those areas in which implantation by other systems is impossible. In addition, the implant installation procedure is performed in one surgical procedure (in contrast to the two-part systems where the abutment is screwed separately to the implant), which significantly reduces the possibility of complications.
As you know, modern dentistry is difficult to imagine without such a direction as implantology. The procedure, carried out by professionals, brings fantastic results that are almost impossible to distinguish from natural teeth: neither in appearance nor in functional purpose.
Dental implants, the cost of the procedure and prices in Ukraine are one of the main criteria that patients pay attention to. In addition to affordable and reasonable prices, we actively practice a flexible system of discounts, as well as periodically conduct profitable promotions.
When is dental implantation prescribed?
Implantology is deservedly considered one of the most important elements of modern dentistry. The purpose of dental implantation is both to restore the direct functions of the dentofacial mechanism, and to give a feeling of comfort to a person, because even and healthy teeth return him attractiveness and a healthy look. The installation of a high-quality implant is an immediate opportunity to regain a beautiful and radiant smile and resume previous violations in the structure of the dentition and prevent deformation of the facial bones. Smooth teeth in the shortest possible time - today it is a very real and achievable goal.
The use of modern dental implants has undeniable advantages, especially when compared with traditional dental prosthetics, which was actively used by patients of dental clinics more than ten years ago. Among the key benefits are:
· Fast and relatively painless elimination of defects in the dentition, which allows you to find a smile with straight teeth without disturbing the structure of the nearest teeth during turning.
· A chance to avoid the use of removable dentures, especially when it comes to the restoration of several teeth in a row.
· The use of implants makes it possible to install fixed prostheses in cases where the teeth are completely absent, and also allows the creation of high-quality and stable prostheses of great length.
· The ability to purchase straight front teeth in a short time.
· Allows you to stop the destruction and atrophy of the bone in place of the missing tooth (teeth).
The European Dental Center is the undoubted leader in the field of practical dentistry and implantology, in particular in Ukraine. Today, the ESC dental clinic is the unchanged and sole partner of the German Association of Oral Implantologists among Ukrainian dentists, where key domestic specialists work. Thanks to the high qualifications of implantologists, as well as modern technological and technical resources, our clinic is able to implement a huge range of services that will help solve problems related to the health of teeth and oral cavity, despite their complexity. The European Dental Center provides implantation and prosthetics services using unique technologies and the latest techniques that our specialists began to apply first in Ukraine, which ensures the highest possible result from the procedures.
Dental implants in Kiev, price
Dental health is an essential component for the normal functioning of the human body. Damage to the tooth and diseases that develop in the oral cavity are not only constant discomfort and a lot of inconvenience, but also a direct threat to the normal functioning of some organ systems. Of course, innovative resources and qualified personnel following extremely advanced trends today are able to solve a huge range of problems related to dental health, including eliminating diseases and injuries, however, there are often cases when a tooth has to be removed.
The human jaw cannot function correctly without one or more teeth: over time, they become deformed, masticatory function is impaired, which in turn leads to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Fortunately, today, if the tooth is noticeably damaged or was lost due to injuries and other circumstances, everyone is given the opportunity to quickly and inexpensively restore it using implantation.
Dental implantation in Kiev, the price of which is quite affordable today, is a direct opportunity to regain a healthy and radiant smile, as well as restore previous violations in the functioning of the dentition.
What is dental implantation (Kiev, price, features of the procedure, etc.)
Over the past few years, modern dentistry, as well as implantology in particular, has stepped far forward and today, being at such a high level, provide patients with the opportunity to maintain or restore the health of their teeth and oral cavity, regardless of the damage that previously affected this part of our organism. Based on innovative and high-tech solutions, as well as applying new methods and techniques in the treatment and prosthetics of teeth, our implantologists are now able to return a sincere smile, and most importantly, the health of teeth and oral cavity to all patients of the European Dental Center clinic.
Dental implantation is a process that allows you to replace a removed tooth by implanting an implant in the jawbone. In fact, the implant is a specific part created from a metal safe for human health, which resembles a screw. By introducing it into the bone of the upper or lower jaw, it becomes possible to further fix the crown, which externally will fully correspond to the appearance of a healthy tooth. A crown or bridge is attached to the top of the implant, which extends from the bone to the outside.
The process of implantation of an implant into a bone consists of several stages, the implementation of which, as a rule, takes place within the framework of one procedure:
· Tooth extraction (if it has not been removed before).
· Sterilization of the hole.
· Atraumatic channel formation under the implant.
· The introduction of the implant.
· Suturing of soft tissues (if necessary).
· A day later, the installation of a temporary structure.
· After 4 four months, the installation of the structure is permanent.
It is worth emphasizing that earlier the process could take quite a lot of time, however, thanks to the use of the latest technologies and materials, today the opportunity to implant an implant in one procedure is provided. In particular, the European Dental Center provides a simultaneous implantation service, in connection with which the patient can get rid of a diseased tooth and install an implant during just one visit to the dentist. The specialists of our clinic are able to provide high-quality assistance in the treatment and restoration of teeth, and also allow us to carry out the process as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Dental implants: price in Kiev
The European Dental Center occupies an undeniable leadership position in the modern Ukrainian market of medical services in the field of dentistry. Our clinic is currently the only official partner of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI) in our country, thanks to which it has managed to gain valuable experience in the field of implantology and a high level of qualification for each employee. A European class of services, as well as a quality guarantee, will allow you to get rid of problems associated with the health of teeth and oral cavity as soon as possible.
Dental implantation in Kiev, the prices for which were previously quite high, has now become more affordable for everyone. For several decades, implantology has been deservedly considered one of the most sought-after areas of dentistry, and today the procedure is carried out high-tech, promptly and completely painlessly. Restore a lost tooth as quickly as possible - not only the opportunity to avoid discomfort and regain a dazzling smile, but also a necessary measure to maintain health, therefore our clinic specialists are ready to offer simultaneous dental implantation. In the event that the situation is not complicated and the implant implantation process does not require numerous manipulations, we are ready to remove the tooth, process the hole and install the implant within one visit to the doctor. At the same time, the prices for dental implants in Kiev, which are offered by the European Dental Center, are quite reasonable and affordable.
The cost of the procedure, as you know, is formed taking into account many factors, therefore, it can vary for each individual situation. Specialists of the European Dental Center are ready to provide informative advice and tell in detail about the cost of the procedure, based on your specific case. You can get acquainted with prices for other types of services by going to the appropriate section on our website.
Contraindications for dental implants
Like any procedure of a medical nature, dental implants have indications and, accordingly, contraindications. Among them:
· The presence of serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis and others.
· The presence of chronic diseases in the acute stage: rheumatism, diabetes.
· Oncological diseases.
· Diseases of the bone and nervous systems.
· Blood diseases.
· Periodontal inflammation.
· It is also undesirable to carry out the procedure during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, as well as during menstruation, since there is a risk of excessive bleeding and complication of the wound healing process.
Having turned to the European Dental Center for help, you can count on a high level of service, as well as qualified assistance and prompt treatment even in case of difficult anatomical and topographic conditions. Procedures such as implantation and prosthetics in our clinic are the best in the city, because our specialists use technologies and techniques that are not yet common in Ukraine.
Basal dental implantation, Kiev
Dental services are in high demand in the field of modern medicine. Perhaps, among the medical areas, it is dentistry that is so highly competitive and occupies a rather extensive segment in the market. Of course, the desire to have an aesthetically attractive smile is not alien to the majority of the modern population, and the health of the oral cavity directly affects both the general condition of the body and the aesthetic component of everyday life. Problems with teeth and oral cavity (infections, diseases and injuries) cause a lot of discomfort to any person, limiting his ability to work, communicate and other life aspects.
Currently, many people cannot boast of perfect dental condition, and most of them resort to dental services that solve not only clinical problems, but also aesthetic ones. Today, patients have the opportunity not only to repair damage such as plaque, stone and caries, but also to carry out restoration. Thanks to the active development of this industry, modern specialists are able to completely change the state of the jaw, make the teeth even and white, and also create a completely new smile.
Due to the impact of a number of negative factors, including smoking, caffeine, poorly processed food and much more, from time to time people have to become visitors to dental offices where they are provided with the necessary assistance. In addition to restoration work, the practice of complete tooth replacement is also in high demand in every modern clinic. To implant a tooth at the highest level, implicitly complying with all requirements and international standards, specialists of the European Dental Center can easily.
The European Dental Center was one of the first in Ukraine to use the latest dental implant technology. Our clinic is ready to carry out various procedures, including laser, surgical, simultaneous, basal implantation, as well as we have achieved high results in the field of dental prosthetics. Thanks to the active introduction of innovations and modern technologies, the European Dental Center managed to gain rich experience in implantology, and the stable qualification growth of specialists allows us to achieve the highest possible results, which in turn has made our clinic one of the most popular in Kiev and Ukraine.
Basal implantation: what is it?
In case of loss of a tooth or its removal by a dentist for any reason, a person, of course, cannot feel comfortable. Lack of teeth negatively affects all spheres of life, from problems with food consumption to communication. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly restore the integrity of the dentition to ensure correct chewing function, as well as the acquisition of a beautiful smile with even teeth. Basal dental implantation in the city of Kiev is a procedure that allows you to quickly eliminate defects in the dentition and find a beautiful smile. Quite often, it is used for aesthetic purposes, when the patient wants to get smooth, white teeth, without long-term correction with the help of braces or plates.
Basal dental implantation is one of the “freshest” methods of tooth restoration, which is often used to quickly obtain an even dentition without flaws. It is carried out as part of one procedure, which makes it one of the fastest methods for prosthetics. Its distinctive feature is the absence of the need for bone growth, however, despite this, the patient fully maintains the correct chewing function and the jaw load is evenly distributed during chewing. During the procedure, the natural process of bone growth is stimulated, so artificial bone is practically not used.
Basal implantation is considered one of the fastest procedures in the context of building and installing dentures. In most cases, the implanted implant that is not rejected by the body has excellent primary stability, which makes it possible to immediately replace prosthetics with temporary crowns.
A feature of basal implantation is the shape of the implant. Wide spiral coils of the implant screw enable reliable primary fixation even in loose, spongy bones. They condense (compact) the bone, thereby preventing its resorption. Conventional implants require a thick layer of cortical bone, which, unfortunately, is not so common. After that, the installation of a fixed prosthesis can be carried out. With professional performance, which is provided at the European Dental Center, the installation of the prosthesis can be carried out even the next day. This, in fact, is the main advantage of this procedure, since, in contrast to traditional implantation, a new tooth can be acquired within a very short time.
Basal dental implantation in Kiev: whom to contact?
Basal implantation in the city of Kiev is quite popular among metropolitan patients and visitors. This method helps to quickly eliminate defects and damage to the dentition and gain a dazzling smile within a few days. In particular, it is relevant to various important events, since most other similar procedures cannot provide such a quick effect.
Specialists who work at the European Dental Center have a huge base of skills, knowledge and valuable experience that are constantly being improved. Our clinic is ready to provide qualified assistance and implement the procedure of basal implantation quickly and efficiently. Doctors who undergo periodic internships in Germany, as well as close partnership with German dentists, provide the highest possible level of service, including for patients with complex anatomical and topographic conditions. The European Dental Center is distinguished by a progressive approach to dental implants using methods and technologies that are not available to other clinics in Kiev.