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Basal implants in dentistry

In the case of a tooth fracture or its removal by a dentist, a person, of course, can not feel fully, and comfortable to conduct their daily activities. For many decades, the absence of teeth or their unsightly appearance has always been a sign of carelessness and unfavorable appearance. In addition, the lack of teeth has a negative impact on all areas of our life, from eating problems to communication. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the integrity of the dentition as soon as possible to ensure proper chewing function, as well as to acquire a beautiful smile with even teeth.

Basal implants that are used in dentistry for a relatively short time will become a real salvation for those who want to bring their teeth to the proper appearance, as well as to provide for a neat and snow-white smile.

What is Basal Implantation?

Basal dental implantation is a procedure that allows you to quickly eliminate the defects of the dentition and to obtain even, white teeth, by the method of removal of damaged or aesthetically ugly, and modeling on their background, even, artificial analogues. Quite often, it is used for aesthetic purposes, when the patient wants to acquire a picture-even teeth without prolonged correction with the help of brackets or orthodontic plates.

Basal implants in the field of modern dentistry are becoming one of the most popular implantation methods, as they allow to restore teeth and align the tooth row as quickly as possible without damage to the health of the dental apparatus. The procedure for implant placement can often be performed within a single procedure, making it one of the fastest methods for implantation and prosthetics. Its distinctive feature is the absence of the need to build artificial bone tissue, however, the patient still retains the correct chewing function and evenly distributes the load on the jaw during the chewing process. During the procedure, thanks to modern technologies, the natural process of bone tissue growth is stimulated, so artificial bone is not used, which makes the procedure of basal implantation easier and faster.

Basal implants have their own peculiarities, as they have a very specific structure and construction. Basal implants are structures that are fixed in the spongy layer of the bone and have wider coils. They condense (seal) the bone, preventing its resorption. The advantage of basal implantation is the ability to fix implants in the inferior bone, allowing you to recover a lost tooth even when traditional implants are not possible.

The basal implant provides a secure fixation of the prosthesis in the jawbone, and the implanted prosthesis will be able to last a long enough time. The basal implant placement service provided by the European Dental Center implies immediate implant implantation almost immediately after tooth extraction. The prosthesis mounting process is carried out mainly the next day, which favorably distinguishes the procedure of basal implantation among other similar services.

By contacting the specialists of the European Dental Center for help, you can always get for free all the necessary information about the procedure, as well as to find out its cost, terms of completion and a number of other nuances of interest.

This patient approached us with this state of teeth. It was very important for the patient to completely restore the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the dental-jaw system and to do it in the shortest possible time. We managed to do this despite the complexity of the situation. Within a day the patient came out with new teeth (temporary) and after 3 months permanent crowns were established. The difficulty was that most of the bone was lost due to prolonged inflammation of all teeth, but we were able to restore the aesthetics and function with the help of properly selected height and width of the new crowns. All the wishes of the patient concerning the new teeth were brought to life. The patient was implanted with BioHPP crowns (PEEK), which made it easier to load the implants and achieve the appropriate aesthetics.

How much does a basal dental implant cost?

In modern dentistry quite often there are new developments and technologies which allow to expand the range of possibilities of the given medical direction, and at the same time to provide for the consumer a higher result after treatment. The largest percentage of modern developments and revolutionary solutions are in the field of implantology and dental prosthetics, as today it is services of this type that are particularly popular with the modern population. The latest techniques that allow you to restore your teeth in the shortest possible time, and at the same time to do it almost painlessly and without significant blood loss - this is a real breakthrough in modern medicine, providing excellent opportunities for those wishing to obtain a smooth and beautiful smile.

Currently, the most advanced are the techniques of laser and basal implantation. Laser technology refers directly to the specifics of the operation of the patient, namely, it allows to perform tissue sections for further implant placement without the use of a cutting surgical instrument using a thin laser beam.

Basal implantation, in turn, is a method of restoring teeth that is often used to quickly obtain a straight tooth row without flaws without building artificial bone. In most cases, the manipulation is performed within a single procedure, making it one of the fastest ways for denture. By seeking help at one of the best prestigious clinics in Kiev - the European Dental Center, which provides dental prosthetics and implantation services, you have the opportunity to combine the two techniques to achieve maximum effect.

Basal dental implantation: how much does the procedure cost?

Basal implantation in Ukraine is considered one of the most newly acquired methods of restoring damaged and distant teeth. Today there are few professional clinics providing this service, guided by the rich experience gained. The European Dental Center - one of the pioneers of basal implantation in Ukraine, today is pleased to provide this service at a high European level.

A distinctive feature of basal implantation is the absence of the need for bone tissue enlargement, which is often practiced in other implant procedures. Even with a minor bone fracture, the correct chewing function is fully preserved after implant placement and the jaw load is evenly distributed while consuming solid foods. It is worth noting that the preservation of the integrity of the natural bone tissue is achieved by the specific design of the implant. Implants have wide coils, which securely secure them in the spongy layer of bone, thereby ensuring their correct and durable position, as well as preventing further resorption of the jaw bone from loading.

The procedure also stimulates the natural process of bone growth, so artificial bone is not used in this technology. Basal implantation allows you to completely restore a lost tooth and to restore a partially destroyed tooth. To find out how much basal implantation costs at the European Dental Center, you can go to the appropriate section of the site or by calling the specified phone number. Our specialists are ready to provide basal implantation services at the highest possible level, and the European Dental Center guarantees the maximum effect from treatment.

The European Dental Center addressed a patient with complaints of difficulty in chewing food due to multiple tooth loss, mobility of the remaining, aesthetic defect (see pic. 1-2).

Picture 1

Picture 2

A diagnosis progressing to periodontal disease was established. Due to the insolvency of the remaining teeth, it was decided to remove them. The quality and clinical height of the bone on the upper jaw and the proximity of the mandibular nerve on the lower jaw (see pic. 3_1-3_2) made this case very difficult. However, it was decided to use a minimally invasive implantation method, to do without directional bone regeneration, sinus lifting and augmentation. Basal implants on the upper and lower jaws were applied, they were installed on the day of tooth extraction (see pic. 04).

Picture 3_2

Picture 4

On the lower jaw, implants were circumvented by the mandibular nerve (see pic. 06_1-06_2). On the third day after surgery, temporary non-removable structures were installed (see pic. 05, 07), and after 4 months the temporary constructions were replaced with permanent ones made of PEEK polymer (see pic. 08-09).

Picture 5

Picture 7

Picture 6_1

Picture 6_2

Picture 8

                                  Picture 9

Basal dental implants

Damaged teeth need urgent comprehensive treatment that will help to eliminate the disease focus and restore the damaged tissue. Often the possibilities of modern dental therapy allow to save a diseased tooth, however, there are also situations when in the started or difficult stage to eliminate the disease, keeping the natural tooth is almost impossible. So, often, instead of treating and healing a tooth, specialists have to resort to implantation, because in such cases, the tooth is easier to replace with a quality artificial analogue than to unsuccessfully try to revive it. Moreover, even if to some extent it has been possible to keep the tooth, to cope with the daily load during chewing, and to perform its direct functions to the full extent it is unlikely to be able. Thus, quality implantation is almost the only way out.

Quality dental implants, in combination with beautiful and solid dentures (crowns) - a great way to get a beautiful and healthy smile in the short term, especially in cases where the patient can not wear a long bracket system, and diseases of the surface of the teeth significantly worsen their external view. Basal implantation of the teeth, which is one of the most expeditious and painless ways of restoring lost teeth in whole or in part, will come to the rescue in such situations.

Features of basal implantation

Basal implants are currently one of the most progressive solutions in the field of modern implantology. They allow you to quickly perform the procedure of installation of the prosthesis, without the need to build artificial bone. The procedure helps to quickly obtain a smooth tooth row without flaws and fill the gaps in it in a short period of time, without wearing plates and other orthodontic devices, saving both time and money.

Basal dental implants have a specific structure, which, in fact, separates them from traditional traditional structures. They have wider coils, so that when they are installed, the implants seal the bone tissue and prevent it from loosening and resorption. They can be fixed in the loose bone, in cases where the installation of traditional implants is not possible.

The procedure for implant placement is performed in a shallow hole, which is produced in the integral area of ​​the natural bone, and the specific shape of the implant prevents its further destruction, correctly distributing the load on the tooth-jaw mechanism. In this case, it should be noted that the patient retains anatomically correct chewing function, which prevents deformation of the jaws and facial bones in the future due to improper bite or illiterate load distribution.

Basal dental implants are a convenient solution for many patients, as it allows you to quickly and practically painlessly grow your teeth and install dentures while not requiring numerous visits to the dental office. In most cases, the implant will not be torn off by the body and will usually take root for no more than one week, after which the patient may have a permanent crown.

The European Dental Center is one of the most sought after representatives in the field of therapeutic, surgical dentistry and implantology. ESC Clinic practices modern dental treatment and restoration techniques, guided by the most advanced decisions and trends in this field of activity. We use only up-to-date European equipment and elite materials to ensure the highest possible result.

The European Dental Center addressed a patient with complaints about the complete absence of teeth on the mandible and the possibility of using a removable prosthesis, given the severe atrophy of the body of the mandible (see pic. 1-2).

Picture 1

Picture 2

The close location of the mandibular nerve made it impossible to install implants in the traditional way (see pic. 3-4).

Picture 3

Picture 4

It was decided to install low-invasive, basal implants bypassing the mandibular canal (see pic. 5, 10-11).

Picture 5

Picture 10 

Picture 11

After 3 days, the patient had temporary structures (see pic.6-9), and after 4 months the temporary structures were replaced with permanent PEEK polymer (see pic.12-16).

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8 

Picture 9

Picture 12

Picture 13


Picture 15

Picture 16