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Basal implantation in Ukraine (price)

Basal implantation in Ukraine (price)

The process of tooth restoration always requires special responsibility and a high level of qualification from the specialist who carries it out. Previously, when dentistry did not use so many latest technologies or advanced solutions, the process of restoring lost teeth was quite lengthy and painful. Today, when modern medicine is actively developing and practicing completely new approaches to the implementation of certain procedures, it becomes possible to quickly and comfortably eliminate various problems related to human health. In particular, the field of implantology is actively using new techniques when it implements the process of tooth restoration for patients.

Currently, as you know, the process of dental implantation has reached a qualitatively new level, namely, it is possible to carry out the procedure as quickly and painlessly as possible. In particular, basal implantation is popular in Ukraine, the price of which has significantly decreased today compared to previous years. In Ukraine, in particular in the capital of the state, the technology of basal dental prosthetics is used quite often, and anyone of Kiev can get this type of service. The European Dental Center, which is actively introducing advanced technologies and innovative achievements in its activities, is ready to provide patients with the service of basal dental implantation, as well as a highly qualified service in laser implantation and other areas of dental activity.                       

The technology of basal implantation in Ukraine began to be applied in practice relatively recently, but during its existence, it has become almost the most popular dental service in the field of implantology. One of the first in Kiev it began to use the European Dental Center, and today our clinic is a leader in this field. During its existence in the local market, the method has established itself as one of the most sparing and comfortable solutions for prosthetics. The use of basal implants allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate the shortcomings of the dentition, replacing one or more teeth with more even and beautiful artificial analogues. A feature of the procedure is the specificity of the implant itself, because it has an unusual design for such parts.

Basal dental implantation in most cases is carried out during one procedure, which rightfully gives it the status of one of the most operational, as well as comfortable. One procedure combines a number of processes: tooth extraction, gum dissection, drilling holes for implant implantation into the bone, and, in fact, the installation of the basal implant itself. The titanium implant is fixed in a small hole that has been drilled in natural bone tissue, and its structure prevents further bone resorption. It is worth noting that the basal implant does not require the growth of artificial bone, as it can be firmly fixed in loose bone tissue, that is, it can be installed in very difficult anatomical conditions. This makes the procedure universal for most patients. Basal implants also have high resistance to mechanical damage from jaw loads and are able to serve for a very long time.

This patient came to us after he was denied implantation in all the dental clinics to which he came before us. The patient had only one tooth in the upper jaw and was accompanied by prolonged wearing of removable dentures (about fifteen years), which led to almost complete anthrophy of the alveolar bone and the inability to install implants. After a thorough study of the patient’s clinical situation and consultation with our German colleagues and partners, an individual treatment plan was drawn up for the patient. 8 basal and 10 compression Swiss implants were successfully installed, which were covered with temporary crowns a day later. After 3 months, permanent crowns were installed with a complete restoration of the height of the central occlusion and full restoration of function. The patient's face took the correct proportions, transformed and stretched, which outwardly made it possible to look much younger.

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One-stage basal implantation technique

Modern dentistry, like most medical areas at the present time, is actively developing and improving, using more and more new methods of treating teeth and oral cavity. As you know, the most common and overnight complicated procedure is dental implantation, because it requires a number of different processes, after which the patient will be given a denture that is fully consistent with the structure and appearance of a natural tooth. Modern dentistry can now offer a fairly wide selection of the latest methods of dental implantation, which differ in their features and advantages, and also allow you to serve the maximum audience of patients, choosing for each an individual and the most optimal method.


Immediate dental implantation is the fastest method in modern dentistry

One-stage technique of basal implantation is one of the newest methods of restoration of extracted teeth. Based on the name, it is obvious that this technique is quite operative, as it is carried out as part of one stage, that is, in one appointment with the dentist. The essence of one-stage implantation is to carry out the installation of the implant during the same procedure as tooth extraction. By and large, immediately after the removal of the tooth or its remaining fragments, the dentist drills a hole in which the implant is immediately installed. After that, a temporary prosthesis is fixed on it, and, in fact, the patient leaves the implantologist’s office with an even, new tooth. After a short period of restoration and healing of tissues around the implant, a permanent crown of high-quality material is mounted on it.

Basal implantation is considered one of the fastest methods for restoring the integrity of the dentition. It is in most cases carried out within the framework of one procedure and helps to quickly restore the correct load on the jaw, resume the functional purpose of a particular tooth, and also provide an aesthetic appearance of the dentition. Basal dental implants have their own characteristics, due to which, in a one-stage technique, they are installed in such a way that the end of the implant - the head, protrudes above the edge of the gum and does not fully penetrate under the soft tissues of the oral cavity. This advantageously distinguishes a one-stage basal implantation technique before standard procedures, which, as a rule, are carried out in two stages by most clinics.

The simultaneous dental implantation procedure can be distinguished by an extensive number of advantages, compared with more traditional methods, namely:

· Minimum time requirements, since the treatment period is reduced to one procedure.

· The ability to provide a high aesthetic result.

· Formation of anatomically correct gingival contours immediately after implant placement.

· Minimum risk of injury and infection of tissues.

· The absence of a large number of surgical interventions, and, consequently, the amount of anesthesia, injections and other unpleasant procedures is reduced.

· Providing a high degree of comfort for patients during the procedure, as well as the rehabilitation period.

· Preservation of correct chewing function from the moment of implant placement, as well as uniform distribution of load on the jaw during consumption of solid food.

· Lack of a period of getting used to the prosthesis, easy and short recovery period.

For several years, our clinic has been practicing one-stage dental implantation, including using basal implants. You can learn about the cost and the procedure for carrying out the procedure by contacting our specialists for advice. Leading dentists and implantologists of our clinic are ready to carry out implantation and prosthetics for patients in difficult anatomical and topographic conditions, and at the same time provide the highest result.

This patient came to us from the USA. For the patient, a very important parameter in the treatment was the timing of complete rehabilitation and a quick return to their homeland and to work. It was decided to intensively rehabilitate the patient as soon as possible. Within two days, the patient had implants installed, and temporary crowns and the patient was able to return to his daily life in the United States. A second visit took place after 2 months to install permanent crowns. A week later, the patient returned to his home. It is important to note that, despite the shortest time and high esthetic requirements of the patient, all stages of treatment were completed on time, taking into account all the requirements of the patient. The patient noted that he never had such beautiful and white teeth.

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One-stage basal implantation

As you know, about a decade ago, the dental restoration procedure was quite painful and lengthy. In order to “insert” a new tooth, the patient had to undergo a number of complex procedures, after which a long rehabilitation and restoration was required. Thus, the implantation process of even one tooth could take several weeks. In addition, this service was very expensive, due to its rarity. Today, the situation has changed dramatically, as the emergence of the latest technologies, as well as the development of more modern treatment methods in medicine, including in the dental industry, help to carry out previously complex manipulations within one or two procedures.


One-stage dental implantation: benefits of the procedure

At its core, the basic technology of tooth restoration is the use of new designs of implants, the structure of which is designed for quick implantation in the natural bone of the jaw, without requiring the growth of artificial bone tissue. Thus, this procedure is suitable for use even in very difficult anatomical conditions, when natural bone tissue was damaged, but there is no need to perform additional operations to restore it, which helps to save time and money to the patient.

The implant, which is used in the basal technique, is not only capable of firmly attaching itself even to partially damaged bones, but also, thanks to its specific structure, helps prevent its further destruction. The ease of fixation of the implant allows the implantation procedure to be carried out in one step, immediately after the removal of the damaged tooth or its remaining fragments. Therefore, at present, basal implantation is one of the most operational methods for prosthetics.

Basal dental implants, as you know, are somewhat different from conventional designs. The implant is attached to the spongy layer of natural bone tissue in a miniature hole. The hole or recess for implant implantation is drilled in a holistic area of ​​the natural bone, and the specific shape of the implant prevents its further destruction, thanks to the wide turns, correctly distributing the load on the dentition. At the same time, it is worth noting that the patient retains an anatomically correct chewing function, which prevents deformation of the jaws and facial bones in the future due to malocclusion or illiterate load distribution.

For several years, the European Dental Center has been practicing single-stage dental implantation, including with the help of basal implants. You can learn about the cost and the procedure for carrying out the procedure by contacting our specialists for advice. Leading dentists and implantologists of our clinic are ready to carry out implantation and prosthetics for patients in difficult anatomical and topographic conditions, and at the same time provide the highest result.

The patient turned to us, having only one tooth in the upper jaw and eight teeth with severe inflammatory processes in the lower jaw, constantly accompanied by a putrid odor from the oral cavity. Difficulties in implantation were for two reasons. The first is the almost complete absence of alveolar bone in the upper jaw due to a prolonged absence of teeth. The second is abundant inflammatory processes in the lower jaw due to chronic inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontitis), which excludes the possibility of one-stage implantation in this area. Using an erbium laser, it was possible to successfully decontaminate the wells of chronically inflamed teeth, which made it possible to establish the required number of implants. A day later, temporary crowns were installed and the patient was able to return to her usual life. All installed implants successfully integrated (took root). Three months later, we installed permanent crowns in the amount of 28 units. All the requirements and wishes of the patient were taken into account. The patient forever forgot about bad breath and discomfort associated with the teeth.

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Non-surgical one-stage dental implantation in Kiev

The condition of the teeth and oral cavity is one of the most significant signs of human health. As you know, dental diseases or infections in the oral cavity can say a lot about how a person is responsible for his health and how strong his body is today. Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity are always significant troubles that affect the health of the entire human body. However, in addition to this, they also significantly affect the aesthetics of the appearance of a person, which is also quite significant for the modern population of the country. It is natural that a well-groomed person who cares about the state of his body and his appearance can in no way be associated with damaged or missing teeth. Timely care for the health of the oral cavity, including teeth, is the key not only to a neat appearance, but also a sure sign of the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Currently, the European Dental Center, which is the official representative of the German Association of Oral Implantologists in our country, is recognized as one of the undisputed leaders among the representatives of dental services in Ukraine. This particular area of ​​dentistry is the key in our business. The clinic has valuable experience working with various problems associated with the condition of the oral cavity and dental treatment, including in the implantology industry. Advanced technical capabilities, as well as the availability of specialized knowledge and professional knowledge of specialists ensure the work of our clinic at a high level and make it one of the key players in the medical services market of Ukraine and neighboring countries.


Is it possible to restore a tooth without surgery?

Dentistry consists of many areas and branches that are responsible for a particular service sector. Of course, in addition to therapeutic procedures, orthopedic dentistry, namely the sphere of implantation and prosthetics, is currently in great demand.

Thanks to the introduction of the latest technologies in the field of medicine, in particular, dentistry, implantology today has reached a noticeably new level, which allows achieving more effective results in restoring lost teeth. Indeed, a previously long and very painful procedure has turned into a fairly operational process, which allows you to renew your teeth comfortably and almost painlessly.

Non-surgical one-stage dental implantation is an advanced solution in the modern field of implantology, as it allows you to remove a damaged tooth and its parts, drill a hole, mount an implant in the jaw bone and perform other manipulations in just one procedure, without resorting to surgery. Currently, such a prospect is available for every patient of the modern clinic European Dental Center, practicing in the field of dental implants simultaneous and laser technology.

One-stage dental implantation in Kiev today is carried out quite often, while the price of this procedure may slightly exceed the cost of traditional implantation, which is performed using strict methods, such as surgical operations.

For a long time, the patient did not dare to implant teeth, because he could not decide on the type and method of treatment proposed in different clinics and offered by us. In other clinics, he was offered the treatment of existing teeth with a dubious result and wearing partial dentures, which would also be more expensive than the treatment we proposed. We proposed the removal of all teeth, followed by the complete restoration of artificial teeth on implants. In favor of the option we proposed, the patient made a decision because of the quick rehabilitation, the most reasonable cost, and the accurate and reliable prognosis of treatment. In just 5 visits, this patient left our clinic with a new smile. A correctly selected treatment plan saved the patient from long visits to the dental clinic and many hours of treatment in the doctor’s chair, and also saved him money. According to the patient, the result exceeded his expectations.

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Basal implants, prosthetics

The health of each component of our body is an important point, which, of course, affects the further state of all its other parts. Teeth, of course, like any other organ, directly affect the work and functioning of various organ systems, therefore their health must be taken especially carefully. Over time, they tend to lose their former beauty, as they are constantly exposed to various diseases. Also, the lifestyle of many modern people has a very negative effect on the health of the oral cavity, causing diseases such as periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis, tartar and others. In most cases, a diseased tooth is susceptible to qualified treatment, however, nevertheless, there are situations when a damaged tooth is subject to emergency removal.

The process of tooth extraction is always unpleasant and has a lot of negative consequences, however, today anyone can eliminate the problem of missing teeth and restore them as quickly as possible using modern techniques in the field of dental implantology.

Basal implantation is a new word in modern implantology

In the modern dental industry, the field of implantation and prosthetics occupies a significant place. It is this area of ​​activity that is considered one of the most rapidly progressing and in demand by modern patients, which, in turn, allows them to restore their teeth as quickly and painlessly as possible after their removal or loss.

The technique allows you to quickly eliminate defects and gaps in the dentition, replacing lost teeth with high-quality and correctly functioning dentures. As a rule, the complete installation of basal implants takes only a few days, since the procedure for implanting a titanium rod is carried out on the same day as the extraction of a diseased tooth, and the fixation of the crown can be completed the next day.

Basal implants and dental prosthetics with the help of such designs allows you to find an artificial tooth without building additional bone tissue. Even in difficult anatomical conditions, when the natural bone tissue was partially destroyed, the structure of the implant prevents further destruction of the bone and firmly install the implant, which helps to maintain correct chewing function and distribute the load on the jaw using an installed prosthesis.

A feature that basal implants possess during prosthetics is the unusual design of the implant itself, that is, an artificial titanium rod, on which a crown is attached. The basal implant has wider turns than the classical one; it is fixed in the spongy layer of the bone and inhibits its further destruction at the place of installation of the prosthesis. Subsequently, a fixed crown is installed on the basal implant, which fully replaces the tooth and performs its functional purpose. With a professionally performed implantation procedure, the basal structures allow the installation of an artificial tooth to be carried out quickly and with minimal discomfort even in case of difficult anatomical conditions, as well as in a very short time. In some cases, the process of implant implantation and installation of a crown to its base can be carried out within one to two days, which makes the basic prosthetics technology one of the most operational of the existing ones.

By contacting the specialists of the European Dental Center for help, you can always get detailed information about the basal implantation procedure, as well as its cost, deadlines and a number of other nuances of interest to you.

A patient with an almost complete absence of teeth contacted the clinic. In addition to a violation of the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the dento-maxillary system, the patient also noted a violation of diction and pain in the right ear. The patient was diagnosed with a pathological decrease in occlusion by more than 1 cm. 16 implants were installed on the patient (eight on each jaw), and then the patient was prosthetized with temporary crowns (after 24 hours) and then permanent (after 4 months). Correctly modeled and constructed temporary and then permanent dental crowns restored their completely aesthetic appearance. patient, bite height was restored. At the same time, the patient’s diction was also restored, the violation of which was caused by the same dental factor. Pain in the joint decreased markedly, there is a positive trend in the process of joint rehabilitation. The patient continues to be under our supervision and notes noticeable improvement in the joint weekly.

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