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Implantation, price

Implantation, price

Unfortunately, over time, all human organs begin to lose their strength and health, reducing their activity and functionality. There are frequent cases when the dentition begins to suddenly thin out, and this can happen not only due to age-related nuances, but also due to various force majeure situations, such as injuries, damage to tooth enamel due to interaction with solids, and more . Naturally, empty spaces in the dentition must be filled as soon as possible by using an artificial tooth analogue, which is installed as part of the implantation procedure. Depending on the degree of loss suffered by the patients, the specialists whom they contacted may recommend two options for tooth restoration: prosthetics or implant placement.

In Kiev, anyone can get implantation services of high quality teeth. To do this, you should contact the specialists of the European Dental Center Clinic, who will certainly select the best option for implants for each specific case and carry out the procedure of their establishment at a high level.

How much does dental implantation cost in Kiev?

One of the important issues in the implantation procedure is its cost, because many mistakenly believe that the installation of implants is very expensive. However, the price of dental implants (Ukraine) has become much more affordable today, in particular due to the rapidly growing popularity of the procedure. The cost of a service, of course, depends on many factors and is formed on the basis of a certain number of aspects.

A qualified consultation at the European Dental Center, which is provided free of charge to anyone who wants to receive an implantation service, will allow you to calculate in more detail the cost of all materials and work and find out the exact amount of the required expenses.

In general, the cost of dental implantation services is formed taking into account the following factors:

· The quality of the titanium from which the implants are made, the degree of its purification.

· Material for the crown.

· Implantation technique selected by the patient.

· Technical characteristics of the implant system.

· The level of complexity or simplicity of the dental implantation procedure.

To establish a high-quality implant in Ukraine, everyone who needs this procedure will be helped by specialists of a modern clinic in Kiev European Dental Center. The procedure, which is carried out in the "ESC" clinic under the supervision of real professionals, will certainly bring only high implantation results, which are almost impossible to distinguish from natural teeth: neither in appearance nor in functional purpose. You can get additional information and make an appointment with the doctor by calling the telephone number listed on the website.

Due to the high level of qualification and the use of advanced techniques, the implant implantation process at the European Dental Center has become not only one of the fastest and most painless clinics in Kiev, but also charmingly provides a first-class effect from the procedure.

A patient came to the European Dental Center complaining of an almost complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw, severe damage to the remaining ones, inability to chew food and the associated aesthetic defect (see Figure 1-2), as well as the failure of bridge structures on the lower jaw. It was decided to remove the remaining teeth on the upper jaw and 5 on the lower jaw, followed by simultaneous implantation.

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The operation to install the implants was also complicated by the low quality and the height of the preserved bone. Nevertheless, the doctors of the European Dental Center managed to remove damaged teeth in the upper jaw in one surgical procedure, install 14 implants with minimal invasion and without complications, and establish temporary fixed structures in a day (see pic. 3-4).

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Currently, the patient expects full integration of implants and the installation of a permanent fixed structure. Fast (3 days) patient rehabilitation was achieved thanks to many years of experience, continuous improvement and the technique of doctors at the European Dental Center.

Gentle dental implantation in Kiev

Currently, in the field of dental services there are more and more new technologies and methods for treating various diseases and defects, including the lack of teeth. Modern implantology is developing, including in the Ukrainian market, and today, international developers have introduced the practice of dental implants according to the immediate loading protocol. This technique is gentle and safe, which allows the patient to reduce the number of operations to a minimum and reduce the pain of the procedures, while saving time, money and, of course, nerves.

Within one or two days, the patient of a progressive dental clinic will be able to carry out a functioning tooth replacement, which, moreover, looks quite attractive. A feature of the procedure is also the possibility of its implementation not only for "simple" patients, but also for treatment in rather difficult clinical situations. For example, sparing dental implantation in Kiev is suitable even for patients who have partially atrophied jawbone or have low bone volume, and the process does not require bone grafting.

Benefits of a sparing dental implantation technique

One-stage gentle implantation allows the installation of titanium rods during the same procedure as tooth extraction. Immediately after the tooth is removed, all its fragments are eliminated, and the necessary area of ​​the gum tissue is processed, the dentist performs tissue separation using a laser, which eliminates the risk of bleeding and persistent pain. A screw implant is mounted in the bone tissue of the jaw, on which a temporary crown is attached almost immediately, and, therefore, from the first minutes of the procedure, a natural load is applied to the jaw. The place where the laser irradiation was carried out heals much faster than the consequences of traditional surgical intervention. For the purpose of additional pain relief, computer anesthesia is used, which eliminates the need for injections and tissue punctures.

The advantages of the procedure are undeniable, among them it is worth highlighting the following:

· The ability to achieve high results in one day.

· The absence of the need for difficult to predict painful operations, in the framework of which artificial bone is being built.

· The possibility of implantation in complex clinical cases when the jawbone is atrophied, the patient has serious diseases (diabetes, osteoporosis) and so on.

· The result is preserved for a long time, and the implant designs are durable and functional.

· The universality of the procedure, since it has practically no contraindications.

· There are no age restrictions, the procedure is allowed even for the elderly.

· Bloodless and painless, as well as a high degree of comfort during the rehabilitation period.

· No need to use removable structures - the implant is attached to the bone on an ongoing basis and does not require periodic dismantling.

· High aesthetic effect, which is almost outwardly indistinguishable from a natural tooth.

· Quality guarantee provided by our clinic.

The European Dental Center is the undisputed leader in the field of implantation and prosthetics in Ukraine. Today, the ESC clinic is the unchanged and sole partner of the German Oral Implantologists Association among Ukrainian dentists, where key domestic specialists work. Thanks to the high qualifications of implantologists and prosthetists, as well as modern technological and technical resources, our dental center is able to provide a huge range of services, despite their complexity.

A patient came to the European Dental Center complaining of bridge structures in the upper jaw, inability to chew food and the mobility of the remaining teeth in the lower jaw, which is associated with this aesthetic and functional defect (see pic. 1-2).

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It was decided to remove the remaining teeth. The operation to install the implants was also complicated by the low quality and the height of the preserved bone. Nevertheless, doctors at the European Dental Center managed to remove damaged teeth in the upper jaw in one surgical procedure, install 18 implants in a minimally invasive manner without additional incisions and complications, and establish a temporary non-removable structure every other day (see pic. 3-4).

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Currently, the patient expects full integration of implants and the installation of a permanent fixed structure. Fast rehabilitation (3 days) of the patient was achieved thanks to many years of experience, continuous improvement and equipment of doctors of the European Dental Center.

Dental implants in one day in Kiev

As you know, the problems associated with our appearance can overtake completely suddenly and in most cases arise at an extremely inopportune moment for this. Surely each of you will agree: the most significant and unpleasant are the difficulties that arose against the background of the condition of the teeth. Their noticeable damage, as well as the unexpected loss of one or several teeth for various reasons, is an extremely painful phenomenon, causing many difficulties and discomfort. However, even in such unpleasant situations, one should not despair, since the possibilities of modern dental implantation will solve all the problems with tooth loss. Currently, there is the possibility of providing emergency assistance in tooth restoration, which is carried out in the shortest possible time.

Dental implantation in Kiev is considered one of the most popular dental services that interest the modern population of the capital. Many are actively pursuing the goal in a record short time to eliminate all the flaws of the dentition and to find a beautiful smile with even teeth as a result. As you know, previously for such purposes it was required either to wear plates and braces for years, or to remove deformed teeth and wait for a long time to heal all tissues for subsequent prosthetics. Currently, in connection with the active development of the dental sector, potential clients of modern clinics have the opportunity to restore a tooth within one day.

Is dental implantation possible in one day

Dental implants in one day in Kiev - today this is a very real procedure. The practice of simultaneous implantation, which is carried out during one visit to the dentist, relatively recently entered the Ukrainian market and has already managed to gain quite high popularity, which is quite expected in the conditions of the pace of life of the modern population.

Clinic "ESC" is ready to provide the service of simultaneous implantation of teeth in express mode at very attractive prices. Tooth implantation is the process of installing an artificial root, the role of which is played by the implant - a metal rod that is installed in the jaw bone. The implant serves as a basic part during the implantation process and as a support for the crown, which is installed on top of it. The method of dental implantation has long been well established, and today it rarely requires several visits to the dentist.

Immediate implantation implies implantation of implants even with a high degree of atrophy, that is, reduction of bone tissue, which, obviously, complicates the procedure somewhat, but the presence of high-tech equipment and elite materials allows it to be performed at an equally high level. It is worth noting that with completely toothless jaws, rehabilitation is carried out by fixed structures.

Dental implantation in one day is considered a very gentle procedure, as it is carried out without classical intervention by the surgeon, since incisions and other invasive methods are practically not used within it, which makes the rehabilitation process painless and comfortable. All incisions and sections are carried out using a high-power laser beam, which, in turn, somewhat simplifies the procedure and reduces the time required for its implementation.

A patient came to the clinic complaining of an almost complete absence of teeth on the upper jaw, severe damage to the remaining, their mobility, inability to chew food and the aesthetic defect associated with it (see pic. 1-2).

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It was decided to remove the remaining teeth. The operation to install the implants was also complicated by the low quality and the height of the preserved bone. Nevertheless, the doctors of the European Dental Center managed to remove damaged teeth in the upper jaw in one surgical procedure, install 8 implants in a minimally invasive manner and without complications, and establish a temporary non-removable structure every other day (see pic. 3-4).

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Picture 3 

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Picture 4

Currently, the patient expects full integration of implants and the installation of a permanent fixed structure. Fast rehabilitation (3 days) of the patient was achieved thanks to many years of experience, continuous improvement and equipment of doctors of the European Dental Center.

Dental implants in Kiev, Poznyaki

Unfortunately, from time to time such unpleasant situations as sudden tooth loss occur. Teeth are a part of our body, which, like any organ, has the ability to get sick, damaged and wear out over time, losing its strength and appearance. Every person can lose a tooth, without obvious reasons, because teeth can be destroyed not only from diseases that struck them, but also from the general negative state of health of the whole body, and they also tend to break due to overload, negligence and consumption of harmful solid food. Quite often, injuries and strong blows can cause tooth loss, and in all of the above situations, the affected person has one question that arises: how to solve the situation most competently, and most importantly, quickly.

Fortunately, the possibilities of modern dentistry can rightfully be called almost limitless today, because in the sphere of their existence they can solve almost any problem related to health, appearance and, in fact, their absence. Implantology is the direction of the dental industry that helps patients restore lost teeth as comfortably and quickly as possible, at the present time it is rightfully considered the most demanded activity in this industry.

Who is better to contact?

Everyone knows that the absence of even one tooth, as a key element of the dentition, promises many problems in the functioning of the dentition. If at least one tooth is missing, this can lead to undesirable movement of all the others, which will entail deformation of the jaw and facial bones and a change in the bite. On this basis, there is an urgent need for emergency services to replace lost teeth with artificial analogues that can fully reproduce the functionality of each tooth and at the same time solve the aesthetic problem of its absence. Implantation is a sure way to replace lost teeth using modern technologies and methods. Dental implantation is a procedure during which a dental implant is inserted and then a crown or other type of denture is fixed on its basis. An osteointegrated (implanted into bone tissue) implant with a crown mounted on it practically does not differ structurally from a natural tooth. And the quality of materials used today for dental implants will allow you to use the result of the procedure for a long time.

Dental implantation is considered the most popular dental service in Kiev, which can only compete with therapeutic dentistry and aesthetic procedures for caring for them. In particular, these services are in demand in large areas of the city, where a huge number of people live, as well as in the city center. Dental implantation in the city of Kiev in the metro area Poznyaki is provided by one of the leading medical institutions of the capital in the field of dental services.

At the moment, our dental clinic is the only representative of the DGOI Oral Implantologists Association in Ukraine, which is located in Germany and unites the leading European representatives of dental services, which indicates a high level of qualification and quality of service. Specialists provide a high treatment effect in completely different clinical cases, including in the presence of anatomical and topographic difficulties.

A patient came to the European Dental Center complaining of an almost complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw, severe damage to the remaining ones, inability to chew food and an aesthetic defect associated with this (see pic. 1-2).

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It was decided to remove the remaining teeth in the upper jaw. The operation to install the implants was also complicated by the low quality and the height of the preserved bone. Nevertheless, the doctors of the European Dental Center managed to remove damaged teeth in the upper jaw in one surgical procedure, install 9 implants with minimal invasion and without complications (see pic. 3), and establish a temporary non-removable structure every other day (see pic. 4-5) .

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Currently, the patient expects full integration of implants and the installation of a permanent fixed structure. Fast (3 days) patient rehabilitation is achieved thanks to many years of experience, continuous improvement and equipment of doctors of the European Dental Center.

Express dental implantation in Kiev

Many modern people are interested in the question of what to do if they are faced with such an unpleasant situation as a sudden loss of a tooth / teeth. Of course, for the majority it is of fundamental importance how to restore loss and restore integrity to the dentition as soon as possible. The possibilities of modern dentistry are significantly expanding every year, because constantly in this area a lot of new solutions, technologies and techniques are being introduced that increase the quality of the services provided and their effectiveness. Today, each patient is given a great chance to receive help on tooth restoration in an external manner, quickly, painlessly, low-traumatic and absolutely safe.

Currently, the procedure for rapid dental implantation, which allows tooth renewal in record time, has become quite popular. This service is very popular among Ukrainian patients, despite the fact that it began to practice in the country relatively recently. The progressive clinic "European Dental Center" is ready to provide the service of simultaneous implantation of teeth in express mode at attractive prices for everyone who needs it.

What is express dental implantation and what are its benefits?

There is an opinion that the very concept of “express implantation” was invented more by marketers than by dentists themselves, since in a professional environment the designation of a procedure sounds like a one-stage or one-stage dental implantation. It is understood that the implant installation process, including all its individual stages, is carried out as part of a single procedure, as a rule, with an immediate load on the jaw bone. So, the process of rapid implantation is carried out by the transgingival method, that is, without a surgical incision of the soft tissues of the gums and almost immediate installation of a temporary crown on a newly implanted implant. After such an operation, the patient leaves the dentist’s chair with straight teeth and a very nice smile.

The features of the procedure for rapid dental implantation is its easy implementation process, because in addition to the fact that all the steps are carried out quickly enough, the technique can also be called bloodless, painless and quite comfortable, and it practically does not imply a rehabilitation process, since all parts of the tissues heal almost instantly . Surely, in this regard, she managed to so quickly gain her popularity and gain the title of one of the most popular today.

Express dental implantation is prescribed mainly in cases where tooth restoration is required immediately. Implantation can be carried out for different teeth, both the frontal group, and chewing, which makes it also very versatile. In addition, the service has other advantages, namely:

· Quick and relatively painless elimination of defects in the dentition, which allows you to find a smile with straight teeth without disturbing the structure of the nearest teeth during turning.

· Bloodless and lack of sutures on the gums, which can cause discomfort.

· Provides the ability to restore a tooth in an emergency before an important event.

· Permanent fixation and support for removable dentures.

· The ability to acquire straight teeth in a short time.

· Allows to stop destruction and atrophied bones.

We are ready to help you choose a lot of high-quality and effective solutions that will solve any problem related to dental health. An individual approach and professionalism of employees will help everyone who wants to maintain a dazzling smile and healthy oral cavity, as well as get rid of visual dental defects. The procedure of rapid implantation in our clinic is carried out by the best implantologists in Kiev, who have valuable experience working with the latest equipment and innovative techniques, which is used today only in the ECC.

A patient came to the European Dental Center complaining of poor aesthetics, tooth mobility in the upper and lower jaw (see pic. 1-2).

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It was decided to remove the remaining teeth. The operation to install the implants was also complicated by the low quality and the height of the preserved bone. Nevertheless, the doctors at the European Dental Center managed to remove damaged teeth on the upper and lower jaws in one surgical procedure, disinfect the holes with an irbium laser, install 20 implants in a minimally invasive manner without additional incisions and complications, and establish a temporary non-removable structure every other day (see pic. 3-4).

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Picture 4

Currently, the patient expects full integration of implants and the installation of a permanent fixed structure. Fast (3 days) patient rehabilitation is achieved thanks to many years of experience, continuous improvement and equipment of doctors of the European Dental Center.