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Dental prosthetics in difficult cases

The need for prosthetics arises among the modern population quite often. Unfortunately, not everyone can brag about strong healthy teeth today, and tooth loss is absolutely not uncommon. Often the loss of teeth, or their removal due to large damage or breakage, occurs due to the fact that the teeth have not received proper care before. In addition, their loss can also occur due to severe injuries, as a result of which the tooth simply breaks. In any case, the loss of even a part of one tooth is a serious problem that will not allow a person to comfortably stay in society, therefore, needs an early solution.
Of course, modern dentistry, in particular implantology, will help to cope with the problem of tooth absence. Dental prosthetics are currently carried out as comfortably and painlessly as possible, especially if we compare current procedures with those provided by doctors more than a decade ago. Today, the issue of restoring a lost tooth is solved in just a few visits to the dentist, and when installing implants and prostheses, the latest technologies and techniques are used to eliminate the deficiency not only as quickly as possible, but also almost painlessly.

Complex dental prosthetics in Kiev

As a rule, today the capital is actively practicing the introduction of the latest technologies in all areas of medicine, including dentistry. Implantology and prosthetics, as the most rapidly developing areas, involve treatment with the most modern equipment, as well as the best materials and high professional qualities of specialists.
The clinic European Dental Center, which provides high-quality dental prosthetics services, is ready to help patients solve any dental problem, regardless of its complexity. Specialists perform prosthetics in difficult cases, while achieving an almost perfect effect. We are ready to carry out prosthetics in cases when a high degree of jaw deformation is observed, there is a need for bone tissue buildup, or other complex anatomical conditions are present. In addition, ESC specialists thoroughly study the difficult conditions of dental prosthetics in order to find the most optimal treatment options, in particular when it comes to installing complex structures or complete prostheses that replace the entire dentition and require a particularly careful approach to installation and strong fixation. Prosthetic dentists are responsible for their work, so the patient can receive not only practical recommendations regarding treatment from specialists, but also guarantees excellent service.
As one of the leading representatives in the field of dental prosthetics in Ukraine, today the European Dental Center demonstrates service at a fairly high level, based on purely innovative and high-tech solutions. Clinic «ESC» is one of the leaders in the Ukrainian market of medical services in the field of dentistry and prosthetics, and also has the status of the only official representative of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI) in the country. High-quality services for the treatment and restoration of teeth, which are carried out using modern equipment and revolutionary techniques, make it possible to perform prosthetics of high complexity, while achieving the highest results.

Dental prosthetics cermet, prices in Kiev

Diseases, injuries, and as a result, tooth loss is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, which is a direct barrier to the comfortable existence of a modern person. Of course, for some reason, losing one or even several teeth is a very deplorable situation, but fortunately, thanks to the capabilities of modern medicine and dentistry, it has ceased to be fatal. A few decades ago, the loss of one or several teeth required the passage of painful procedures, weeks of rehabilitation and the problematic installation of prostheses, which only vaguely resembled a natural human tooth. Thanks to the dynamic development of modern dentistry and orthodontics, everyone is now able to completely replace damaged, restore lost or aesthetically unpleasant teeth, replacing them with smooth, beautiful and strong. Such a prospect opens up completely new perspectives for patients of qualified dental clinics to have the perfect smile, regardless of age, condition of the teeth and congenital or acquired pathologies.

Dental prosthetics in Ukraine

Today in our country the field of implantology, in particular dental prosthetics is one of the most popular dental services in the market. The ability to restore a lost tooth as quickly and painlessly as possible, or to obtain an even dentition without spaces, is in great demand among modern patients. Thus, dentists with the necessary qualifications, as well as a knowledge base, can literally work a miracle with a patient’s smile. Awareness of current trends, the use of exclusively elite materials and advanced equipment help to ensure the highest possible result.
Dental prosthetics is a process during which an imitation of a healthy tooth is set using its artificial counterpart — the prosthesis. Dental prosthetics implies both the ability to restore one tooth in place of a lost tooth, and the prospect of renewing a whole dentition in cases where the patient has completely or at least no teeth. With the help of prosthetics, which is performed by qualified specialists using high-class elite materials and equipment of the premium segment, every modern person gets the opportunity not only to acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance, but also to fully resume all the functions of the dentofacial system.
Most often in Ukraine, the technique of fixed prosthetics is used, when one tooth is replaced, or several teeth alternately. The prosthesis consists of several parts that are combined into a single design and allow you to completely recreate a person’s natural tooth. In fact, a prosthesis can be called a complex of an implant and a crown, that is, a metal rod that is embedded in the jawbone along with an artificial analogue of the visible part of the tooth.
Various materials are used by modern dentists to make crowns and prostheses, and one of the most commonly used is cermet. Dental prosthetics with ceramic-metal components can provide not only a high degree of long-term procedure, but also give the artificial tooth the most natural look.
A service such as prosthetics with metal-ceramic material in Kiev is considered ideal in terms of price / quality ratio. Ceramic metal prostheses look beautiful, are worn for a long time and are highly durable. They practically do not deform over time under the influence of constant loads, and also do not require particularly careful care.
A separate point that distinguishes dental prosthetics (cermet) in Kiev is the price of the service. Ceramic-metal crowns are not expensive, and the process of their installation has been established for years and among the dentists and prosthetists of our clinic brought to the level of automatism.
The European Dental Center, which over the past decade has been actively developing innovative activities in the field of implantology and prosthetics, guarantees an individual approach to each situation and the choice of the most optimal treatment for all patients. We use ceramic-metal crowns in those cases when they are absolutely the right solution, using the latest equipment, as well as parts from the leading German manufacturer, VITA. Specialists working in our clinic are able to achieve almost indistinguishable results from natural teeth, therefore ESC always guarantees a high result to their clients.

Dental prosthetics in Ukraine

Even the children know how important it is to take timely care of the condition of the teeth. Adults, in most cases, try to carefully take care of the health of their teeth, constantly paying attention to their condition. Like any component of our body, teeth tend to lose their former beauty over time, as they are constantly exposed to various diseases. Also, at the same time, the lifestyle of many modern people has a very negative effect on the health of the oral cavity, causing diseases such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, pulpitis, tartar and others. In most cases, a diseased tooth is amenable to qualified treatment, however, there are still situations where a damaged tooth must be removed.
Loss of teeth, despite its origin, whether it is surgical removal or loss due to an injury or other situation, is always a problem with many inconveniences. Today, the risk of staying for a long time without teeth does not have a real motive, because modern dentistry allows you to solve a large list of problems associated with the health of the oral cavity. The modern technology of dental prosthetics with the help of implants, crowns or whole prostheses will come to the rescue.

Dental prosthetics in Ukraine: varieties

Installation of dentures is a process by which a person who wishes can find an impeccable smile and restore the direct functions of the dentition. However, in order to more thoroughly understand the specifics of the procedure and determine for yourself the maximum winning option, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the types and features of prosthetics.
So, dental prosthetics (Ukraine) is most often found in the following variations:
· Installation of removable dentures;
· Fixed dental prosthetics.
Based on the names, the first type of prosthetics is carried out with the help of constructions that can be completely or at least partially removed, giving the jaws a break from the external load. Fixed prostheses are stably in the jaw and maximally recreate the natural structure of the tooth.
Removable prostheses at the European Dental Center are nylon structures that create a minimal load on the jaw and do not injure the tissues of the oral cavity. As for fixed prostheses, most often they are based on a standard design: implants and crowns. There are also bridges and other prosthetics options. Restoring lost teeth by installing crowns is a popular way to restore the integrity of the dentition, and using high-quality and durable materials, you can achieve an almost perfect result.
The clinic «European Dental Center» today is a well-deserved leader in the field of implantation and prosthetics in the Ukrainian market of dental services. The specialists of our clinic have the necessary professional knowledge to carry out the installation process of prostheses, taking into account all the latest trends and techniques. Frequent internships abroad, as well as the purchase of materials and equipment from the best world manufacturers, allow us to provide extremely high quality service.

Dental prosthetics prices in Ukraine

The health of the teeth and oral cavity is one of the main factors affecting the general condition of the human body at one time or another. It is no secret that the problems associated with the health of teeth and oral cavity occur quite often in the modern population, and besides, they bring a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The condition of the teeth affects the physical and aesthetic condition of a person, therefore, it is necessary to take care of the health of the oral cavity in a timely manner, resorting, if necessary, to very drastic measures.
Undoubtedly, like any other organ, teeth tend to “wear out”, losing over time not only their natural whiteness and strength, but also undergo negative environmental influences, bad habits or various pathologies. At present, when modern dentistry has stepped far forward, including in Ukraine, problems related to the condition of the teeth have many high-quality and effective solutions that will allow everyone to maintain a dazzling smile and healthy oral cavity for a long time.
Currently, the European Dental Center, which is the official representative of the German Association of Oral Implantologists in Ukraine, is recognized as one of the undisputed leaders in the Ukrainian market of dental services. Our clinic has valuable experience working with various problems related to the condition of the oral cavity and dental treatment, including in the field of prosthetics. Advanced technical and qualified human resources ensure the clinic's work at a high level and make it one of the key players in the medical services market.

Dental prosthetics

Of course, almost every modern person from time to time encounters problems such as diseases of the teeth or oral cavity. And despite the fact that a timely visit to the dentist in most cases helps to solve the problem at the lowest cost for the patient, and regular preventive visits to the dentist can prevent the occurrence of diseases and complications, sometimes there is still an urgent need for a radical medical intervention.
Specialists who work at the European Dental Center have a huge base of skills, knowledge and valuable experience, which allows them to effectively deal with restoration and treatment of teeth without the risk of their removal, but there are still situations where it is almost impossible to save a tooth. Removing a diseased tooth can become an inevitable measure during the treatment process, and therefore there is a need for its early restoration with the help of a prosthesis.
Dental prosthetics is the process of installing an imitation of a healthy tooth using its artificial counterpart — the prosthesis. Dental prosthetics implies the installation of one tooth in place of a lost tooth, or the renewal of a whole dentition. With the help of prosthetics, which is performed by qualified specialists using exclusively high quality materials and equipment of the premium segment, the patient gets the opportunity not only to acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance, but also to fully resume all the functions of the dentofacial system in a complex that cannot be performed without one or more teeth.
Dental prosthetics and prices (Ukraine) depend on the complexity of a particular case, however, a qualified consultation and preliminary examination with our specialists will help a potential patient find a clearer picture.
The installation of dentures is a process by which a person who wishes can find an impeccable smile, the artificial origin of which will be completely invisible to the naked eye. Dentures can be of the following types:
· Adhesive bridges. Dentures of this type are used for single prosthetics. The possibility of installation implies the presence of completely healthy teeth on both sides of the defect, which will serve as a support for the prosthesis. Bridge dental prosthetics — the price (Ukraine) will be completely low, however, it directly depends on the quality of the prosthesis itself.
· Ceramics in prosthetics is perhaps the most common and time-tested method.
· All-ceramic prostheses almost exactly recreate the appearance of a natural tooth, and the material from which they are made is not foreign to our body. Despite the relatively affordable cost, it perfectly combines durability and aesthetic function.
· PIC-polymer dentures. The most modern type of fixed prosthetics, the most biocompatible, easy and reliable type of prosthetics.
· Nylon dentures. Dentures of this type are quite soft, perfectly take root and are highly durable. Created from hypoallergenic polymers with inconspicuous mounts.

Dental prosthetics prices in Ukraine

Of course, the ability to completely remove and replace damaged teeth opens up completely new, pleasant opportunities for patients. And given the level of development of modern prosthetics, thanks to which specialists manage to achieve an almost indistinguishable result from natural teeth, the installation of prostheses is in great demand. This, in turn, explains the popularity and relevance of the European Dental Center both in Ukraine and far abroad. Dental prosthetics, prices in Ukraine which are much lower than in most European countries, will allow everyone to get rid of sick, seriously damaged or critically uneven teeth and find a dazzling smile, while at the same time feeling all the advantages of a modern European service.
Prices for dental prosthetics in Ukraine depend on many factors, in particular, on the type of prosthesis chosen and the material of the crown. The cost will also be affected by the prosthetics method. As you know, dentists are currently practicing removable and non-removable prosthetics, and each of these methods has a number of implementation techniques.
The European Dental Center has extensive experience in the field of dental prosthetics, which lasts for many years. Our experts are ready to choose an individual way to solve each problem, as well as implement the procedure as quickly and painlessly as possible. A high level of professionalism of specialists allows to ensure low injuries and to carry out all manipulations with a minimum risk of heavy bleeding, which, in turn, allows you to make the installation process of the prosthesis, as well as postoperative rehabilitation as comfortable as possible. In addition, we carefully monitor every step at the prosthetics stage, ensuring that the risk of complications is minimized. The staff of our clinic can carry out the entire procedure for preparing and directly installing the prosthesis as quickly as possible, as well as correct the mistakes of previous dentists (if necessary). In the offices of our doctors, patients can remove previously installed crowns and replace them with better ones, install a temporary denture, and also choose the most suitable option for replacing a lost tooth among the choice of prostheses offered by the ESC clinic catalog.
By contacting the European Dental Center for help, you can get expert advice on the optimal prosthetics specifically for your situation. Modern equipment and only high-quality consumables will achieve the highest results in a short time, and the use of the most advanced technologies sets our clinic apart from other representatives of dental services in Kiev.

Prices for prosthetics in Kiev

Teeth — one of the most visible elements of the human body and care for their health — an indispensable requirement presented to every modern person. In addition to aesthetic function, teeth also affect our health. The condition of the teeth and the health of the oral cavity of a person directly affect his well-being and functioning of the whole organism. This is especially true for the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since the digestive system is primarily affected by the improper load distributed during chewing. It’s no secret that even insignificant malfunctions in its work can negatively affect the general condition of the whole organism and bring a person discomfort and worsen his health.
Everyone knows how important it is to take timely care of the condition of the teeth, however, like any other element of our body, teeth also tend to wear out and undergo various diseases. In addition, the lifestyle of many modern people also negatively affects the health of the oral cavity, causing diseases such as periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis, tartar and others. In most cases, a diseased tooth is susceptible to qualified treatment, however, there are still situations when a damaged tooth needs to be removed.
Of course, the absence of one or more teeth due to their illness or loss for other reasons brings noticeable discomfort. To get rid of this problem and regain your old smile today is a completely real task, the solution of which will be handled by a qualified dentist dentist.

What is dental prosthetics?

Replacing teeth with artificial dentures is a multi-step process that helps to restore the dentition by replacing a lost or partially removed tooth with an artificial denture. As part of prosthetics at the site of tooth absence using specific designs and special fixtures, an artificial tooth analogue is created, created from hypoallergenic, biocompatible materials, which helps to resume correct chewing function and prevent malocclusion and other negative consequences of violation of the dentition structure.
Dental prosthetics can be carried out both partially and completely, with both in relation to the tooth itself, and in relation to the entire jaw. Therefore, prosthetics can mean the installation of a part of the tooth, which is attached to the place of its remote area to the healthy remaining part; the entire tooth that was previously removed; the resumption of a whole dentition by installing individual prostheses in place of each tooth or a complete denture of the jaw. With the help of prosthetics, which is performed by qualified specialists using exclusively high-quality materials and equipment of the premium category, the patient gets the opportunity not only to acquire an aesthetically attractive look with the help of a snow-white smile, but also to fully resume all the functions of the dentofacial system in a complex that cannot be performed fully without one or more teeth.
Dental prosthetics in Kiev, the price of which depends on many indicators and factors, will be a winning solution for those who suffer from diseases or injuries in the oral cavity. Highly qualified consultation and preliminary examination with our specialists will help a potential patient to get a clearer picture regarding the cost of the procedure and the optimal choice of materials for an individual case.

Types of prosthetics

The installation of dentures is a process by which a person who wishes can find an impeccable smile and restore the direct functions of the dentition. However, in order to more thoroughly understand the specifics of the procedure and determine for yourself the most advantageous option, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the types of prosthetics.
So, dental prosthetics (prices in the city of Kiev are indicated in the corresponding section of our website) are of the following types:
· Removable;
· Fixed.
Based on the names, the first type of prosthetics is carried out using structures that can be partially or completely removed. At the European Dental Center, removable prosthetics are performed with nylon prostheses. Nylon is a hypoallergenic, highly biocompatible material. It is quite elastic, and therefore injury to the oral mucosa on which it is based is excluded.
As for fixed prostheses, in this case we are talking about crowns and bridges that are familiar to many. Prices for dental prosthetics in Kiev using the installation of crowns directly depend on the material of its manufacture and structure. Fixed prosthetics at the European Dental Center is carried out in the following ways:
· Prosthetics with crowns: cermet made of zirconia or PIK polymer.
· Bridge prosthesis, used in case when several teeth are lost at once in a row. Among the bridges there are: adhesive structures, bridges with support on their own teeth and with support on implants.
Partial and complete prosthetics in Kiev implies prices that are at a fairly affordable level, so that anyone can quickly get rid of flaws in the dentition. The European Dental Center is the undisputed leader in the field of dental prosthetics in Ukraine, therefore, patients with the highest quality services in the capital can even with complex anatomical disorders.